Divertente! Se non fosse che alcuni danno un'interpretazione allegorica della storia un po' triste. L'uomo col cappello giallo infatti rappresenterebbe il colonialismo (ed in effetti l'uomo veste bizzarramente nello stile dei capi colonialisti), il rapimento di George dalla terra natale la schiavitù e la curiosità/disobbedienza di George sarebbe una rappresentazione del fatto che le persone di colore e la classe più bassa del popolo sono disobbedienti e ribelli. A supporto di questa teoria e del fatto che George sia stato rapito dalla sua terra natale proprio alcuni passi del libro che qui vi riporto:
"What a nice little monkey," the man thought. "I would like to take him home with me." He put his hat on the ground and, of course, George was curious. He came down from the tree to look at the large yellow hat... George picked it up and put it on. The hat covered George's head. He couldn't see. The man picked him up quickly and popped him into a bag. George was caught."
"The man with the big yellow hat put George into a little boat, and a sailor rowed them both across the water to a big ship. George was sad, but he was still a bit curious."
Però... cosa può riservare una novella per bambini!
"What a nice little monkey," the man thought. "I would like to take him home with me." He put his hat on the ground and, of course, George was curious. He came down from the tree to look at the large yellow hat... George picked it up and put it on. The hat covered George's head. He couldn't see. The man picked him up quickly and popped him into a bag. George was caught."
"The man with the big yellow hat put George into a little boat, and a sailor rowed them both across the water to a big ship. George was sad, but he was still a bit curious."
Però... cosa può riservare una novella per bambini!

1 commento:
ciao, cercavo notizie su gorgio curioso e ho trovato te.
un saluto da dresda, da parte mia e di curious george!
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